My name is Dust and I'm 17. That's all you need to know really. But having a page dedicated to myself is something I enjoy doing.
I'm just a person trying to find some peace of mind. I'm very lazy and I like to procrastinate so don't wonder why this site updates are few and far inbetween.
What I do often is learning new things and trying out new hobbies. As of right now, I don't think I know who I am exactly. I don't feel like I know my identity or know what makes me really happy. I like to make promises I can't keep. I like to indulge in egomania and let the rot consumes me.
Is also a very emotional emo sad sad guy too if you haven't noticed, be kind to me or else.. (I will cry)
I like to talk about myself a lot.. as you can see from the length of this page, pretty sure it's a bad trait but who cares.. I like myself.
My sad back story : I was born in Thailand.
If you want to chat you can instant message me on spacehey because I check my chat in there the most.