About Me

(Oversharing Edition)

picture of me


My name is Dust and I'm 17. That's all you need to know really. But having a page dedicated to myself is something I enjoy doing.

I'm just a person trying to find some peace of mind. I'm very lazy and I like to procrastinate so don't wonder why this site updates are few and far inbetween.

What I do often is learning new things and trying out new hobbies. As of right now, I don't think I know who I am exactly. I don't feel like I know my identity or know what makes me really happy. I like to make promises I can't keep. I like to indulge in egomania and let the rot consumes me.

Is also a very emotional emo sad sad guy too if you haven't noticed, be kind to me or else.. (I will cry)

I like to talk about myself a lot.. as you can see from the length of this page, pretty sure it's a bad trait but who cares.. I like myself.

My sad back story : I was born in Thailand.

If you want to chat you can instant message me on spacehey because I check my chat in there the most.

Basic Informations

Name : Dusty / Dust / Noir(an online name I picked when I was 12 and now I can't let it go) / Nahm(boring ahh birthname)

Age : 17

Species : Human

Pronouns : they/them

Gender : Non-binary, but to be honest

Appearance : Black hair, Brown eyes (I wore grey contacts), Thin, Bad posture

Occupation : Student

Major : Mathematic Engineering (I'm so close to dying rn)

City : Bangkok, Thailand (more joke and I will kill you)

Dreams : Living a comfortable life.

Favorite food : Pizza (who doesn't like pizza) and anything from Taco Bell

Favorite animals : bats, raccoons, cats

Favorite number : 36, 64

Favorite season : winter, because Thailand is too dang hot!!

Favorite band : My Chemical Romance (who could've guess)

Favorite movie : The Craft

Favorite TV show : Serial Experiment Lain

Favorite book : The Secret Garden, The Metamorphosis (i haven't read in a long time sadly)

Favorite color combos : black+red ,red+blue

Likes : Eating, Sleeping, Daydreaming

Dislikes : Sports. I'm trying to like it but it's so hard mann.

If I could have one wish : I'd wish for everyone to have empathy



  • drawing
  • listening to music : emo, post-hardcore, new wave, post punk, nu-metal
  • fashion : scene / emo stuff, vkei, vintage fashion (1920s and 60s)
  • programming / webdev
  • sewing
  • doomscrolling
  • solving puzzles
  • cubing : I'm sub-35? actually haven't cube for 2+ years, but I enjoy solving big cubes / unique cubes more
  • games : minecraft, terraria, papers please, in general short indie games, idle games, resource collection / management games


omg I actually have very few media I enjoy, it's just hard for me to try liking new things :(

  • Minecraft
  • Stardew Valley
  • Ethoslab
  • Adventure Time
  • Silent Hill
  • Naruto
  • Scott Pilgrim
  • Cookie Run


10 of my favorite albums (last updated 14/03/25)

Archive. You can click on the albums to view my comments on it.

Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance
Full Collapse
Sixteen Stone
Siamese Dream
Smashing Pumpkins
Different Class
Jeff Buckley
Home, Like Noplace Is There
The Hotelier
Alice In Chains
Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park
Live Through This

Random Tidbits

Favorite multiplication : 11 x 11 = 121

Favorite CSS property : -webclip-background-clip

Favorite HTML tags : <legend>

Favorite base number : base-12

Favorite emoticons : (^_\\) and (0_o)

Favorite fonts : Comic sans, Apple Chancery, Cocaine sans

Favorite rock : obsidian

Favorite lyrics : "See my heart I decorate it like a grave"

Favorite art movement : post-impressionism

Favorite things to write on my hand in sharpie : Dusty is dusting XD

Favorite constant : Avogadro's number (6.022 x 1023)

Favorite word : ecstasy

Picrew / Dress Up Games

I love dress up games so much omg (click the picture to go to the link)(some I'm still searching for the source!)

go to my mood board
